Kamari Atayi is a travel, portrait, and event photographer and videographer. They started photography in high school and have not been seen without a camera since. Their main goal is to continue to grow their skills and capture everything they can.

Kamari started with film photography in high school. They fell in love with the darkroom and creating their own photos. Since then, they have acquired a digital camera and applied everything they knew to that form of media. Despite that, film photography will forever have a close place in their heart.

They are majoring in Journalism with a concentration in Emerging Media at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and will graduate in December 2024. They have had experience in the community as a photographer for Benson First Fridays and as a videographer for African Student Association at UNO and Creighton for their 2024 AfroGala.

Image Shot at UNO